Strangled Prose by Joan Hess
Strangled Prose by Joan Hess

Strangled Prose by Joan Hess

Despite its weaker aspects, the novel is satisfying light entertainment. Caron and a friend, wimpy Inez, cause distractions that inhibit the investigation, which ends at last after several developments that strain credibilityparticularly when Inez vanishes for a long time with no indication that anyone is particularly alarmed. Rosen then turns the inquisition onto Claire (whose late husband is accused in the novel of philandery) and onto some of the other people in academe. Later she's found strangled, and Douglas endures grilling by detective Pete Rosen, until the professor is strangled too. But when guests at the party hear themselves libeled in excerpts from the novel, Douglas is aghast and Mildred/Azalea goes home in tears. Douglas Twiller, revels in the fortune his wife earns under the pen name Azalea Twilight. A widow, Claire supports herself and 14-year-old Caron by running a college-town bookstore, where Mildred Twiller insists the reception for her new lurid romance be held. She is a winner of the American Mystery Award, a member of Sisters in Crime. Strangled Prose Joan Hess 4.69- 5.89 Malice in Maggody Joan Hess 3.99- 15.67 The Murder at the Murder at the Mimosa Inn Joan Hess 4.19- 7.79 Mortal Remains in Maggody Joan Hess 4.09- 4.69 A Diet to Die For Joan Hess 4.19- 8.29 Deader Homes and Gardens Joan Hess 4.19- 8.

Strangled Prose by Joan Hess

Hess enlivens her mystery with humor and the bumptious doings of narrator Claire Malloy's daughter Caron. JOAN HESS is the author of both the Claire Malloy and the Maggody mystery series.

Strangled Prose by Joan Hess